=== Logo Slider - A WordPress Plugin for Logo Showcase, Logo Gallery, Logo Carousel and Client Logo Presentation === Contributors: gsplugins, itszaman, samdani, itsariful, devshakhawat Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=K7K8YF4U3SCNQ Tags: Logo Slider, wordpress logo slider, logo carousel, logo carousel slider, logo wordpress plugin, client logo Requires at least: 5.5 Tested up to: 6.1 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 3.4.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The Best Responsive Logo Slider Plugin to display partners, clients, or sponsor's logos. Shortcode generator with preview. No coding required! == Description == Introducing our powerful and easy-to-use WordPress logo slider plugin! Display your clients, partners, or sponsors in a sleek and professional slider on your website. With customizable settings and responsive design, you can showcase your logos in a way that fits your brand and style. Get started today and enhance the visual appeal of your website. > [ Live Demo](https://logo.gsplugins.com) | [Upgrade to PRO](https://www.gsplugins.com/product/gs-logo-slider) | [Documentation](https://docs.gsplugins.com/gs-logo-slider) | [Support](https://www.gsplugins.com/contact) ### Plugin Features * Gutenberg Block available. * Logo Shortcode Ready. * Very lightweight. * Custom post type for Logo posting. * No need for any settings. * Work with all WordPress themes. * Easy to use. * Developer friendly & easy to customize. * Powered by bxSlider. * Its easy-to-use interface allows you to manage, edit, create, and delete Logo with no new knowledge [Pro Features](https://www.gsplugins.com/product/gs-logo-slider) * Added Grid View, List View, Table View, Filter View, Live Filter View, Full Width Slider, Center Mode, Variable Width Slider, Vertical Center Slider, Vertical Ticker Up, Vertical Ticker Down, 2 Rows Slider. * Added Tooltip Option. * Multiple sliders on the same page from different categories. * 24 different themes. * Drag & drop reorder / custom order as your need. * GS Logo Widget available. * Advance settings panel with all necessary options. * Multiple sliders can be shown from different categories. * Slider sliding speed, autoplay pause, navigation, pagination, color settings. * Logos moving direction ***Right to Left*** (default) or ***Left to Right*** for Slider & Ticker Theme. * Display horizontally or vertically. * Control sliding speed. * Enable/disable infinite loop. * Slide in ticker mode (similar to news scroll). * Logo grayscale feature. * Iimage size control. * Stop on hover control. * Display Logo including/excluding Title. * Specify the target to load the Links * Number of logos to move on transition. * Tons of shortcode parameters * Category wise Logos * Easy and user-friendly setup. * Priority Email Support. * Free Installation ( If needed ). * Free updates for one Year. * Auto update notification. * Auto update from dashboard. * Well documentation and support. * And many more. ### Page Builder Support * Gutenberg * Elementor * WPBakery * Divi Builders * Genesis Framework ### Shortcode Usage Basic Usage - From Version 3.0.0, shortcode generator was added with a preview. Select theme & other parameters. Shortcode will generate with id like [gslogo id=1] Use the following shortcode to display logos for partners, clients, or sponsors. ` [gslogo id=1] [gs_logo theme="slider1"] (Old Style) ` **Shortcode attributes Usage** ` [gslogo id=1] [gs_logo title="yes" posts="15" order="ASC" logo_cat="food" mode="vertical" speed="1000" inf_loop="0" ticker="1" logo_color="gray_to_def"] (Old Style) ` **Shortcode PHP Usage** ` ` ### Lite version supported themes. Use old style shortcode or generate shortcode from GS Logos > **Logo Shortcode** ` [gs_logo theme="slider1"] [gs_logo theme="grid1"] [gs_logo theme="list1"] [gs_logo theme="table1"] ` Confused? * [View live Demos »](https://logo.gsplugins.com) * [Documentation »](https://docs.gsplugins.com/gs-logo-slider) ### 🔥 You may like other plugins from [GS Plugins](https://www.gsplugins.com) **[Testimonial Slider](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-testimonial)** - Testimonials slider displays rotating customer endorsements and recommendations, helping to build trust and credibility for a business or product. **[Portfolio](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-portfolio/)** - Filterable Portfolio plugin for WordPress allows you to easily display and showcase your projects, highlighting your skills and abilities. **[Team Members](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-team-members)** - Build a Stunning Team Page or Section and Show off Your Team's Talents! **[Projects](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-projects)** - Projects showcase displays detailed information including client reviews, ratings, galleries, and videos for a business's work. **[Books Showcase](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-books-showcase)** - Books showcase displays detailed information including author, published date, reviews, ratings, and gallery, allowing users to easily find and explore books. **[Coaches](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-coach)** - Coaches plugin displays coaches' experience, skills, reviews, ratings, and certifications, helping users find the right coach for their needs. **[Posts Grid](https://wordpress.org/plugins/posts-grid)** - WordPress Posts Grid plugin displays the latest posts in an elegant grid format, allowing for easy navigation and quick access to new content on a website. **[Posts Widget](https://wordpress.org/plugins/posts-widget)** - WordPress Posts Widget plugin displays the latest posts in an elegant format on the sidebar or any widget area, allowing for easy navigation and quick access to new content on a website. ### 🎯 WooCommerce Plugins **[WooCommerce Products Slider](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-woocommerce-products-slider)** - WooCommerce Product Slider plugin displays products in a visually pleasing, sliding manner, making it easy for customers to browse and find the products they want on an online store. **[WooCommerce Variation Swatches](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-woo-variation-swatches)** - WooCommerce Variation Swatches plugin replaces the default dropdown fields for variable products with visually appealing swatches, making it easier for customers to select product options and improve the overall shopping experience. **[WooCommerce Brands](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-woo-brands)** - WooCommerce Brands taxonomy plugin allows for easy cataloging of products by adding a brand taxonomy, making it simple to organize and filter products on an online store. ### 📣 Social Plugins **[Dribbble Portfolio](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-dribbble-portfolio)** - Dribbble Portfolio WP plugin enables you to display your Dribbble shots on your website in a portfolio layout, allowing you to showcase your design work to a wider audience. **[Behance Portfolio](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-behance-portfolio)** - Behance Portfolio WordPress plugin allows you to display your Behance projects on your website in a visually appealing layout, making it easy for your audience to view and appreciate your work. **[Pinterest Portfolio](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-pinterest-portfolio)** - Pinterest plugin for WordPress allows you to display your Pinterest pins on your website, giving your audience a chance to view and interact with your boards, and potentially drive more traffic to your Pinterest profile. **[Instagram Portfolio](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-instagram-portfolio/)** - Instagram plugin for WordPress allows you to display your Instagram posts on your website, making it easy for visitors to view and interact with your content and also to increase engagement on your website. **[Portfolio - Envato](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-envato-portfolio)** - Envato Portfolio Plugin allows you to display your Themeforest and Codecanyon items on your website, showcasing your digital products and making them easily accessible for potential customers. **[Youtube Gallery](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-youtube-gallery)** - YouTube Gallery plugin allows you to display videos from a YouTube channel or playlist on your website, creating a visually appealing gallery and making it easy for visitors to access and watch your videos. **[Twitter Feeds](https://wordpress.org/plugins/feeds-of-twitter)** - Twitter Feeds plugin displays Twitter feeds, hashtags, user cards, and collections on a website, making it easy for visitors to view and interact with your Twitter content. ### 🏆 Branding Plugin **[Custom Login](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gs-custom-login)** - GS Custom Login allows you to customize the WordPress login screen, providing an easy way to create a unique and visually appealing login experience for your website users. **[PowerUp](https://wordpress.org/plugins/powerup)** - Enhance Your WordPress Experience with the Ultimate Security & Convenience Solution - Hide Admin Bar, Login & Logout Redirection, Disable Comments & Restrict WP-Admin Module. == Installation == Install it as a regular WordPress plugin. Here are different ways to install the plugin : * [Visual Installation & Usage Guide »](https://docs.gsplugins.com/gs-logo-slider) = Install by Search Plugin = - In your Admin, go to the menu Plugins > Add New - Search GS Logo Slider - Click to install - Activate the plugin - GS Logos post type will show below POSTS = Install by Upload Plugin = - Download the latest version(.zip file) - In your Admin, go to menu Plugins > Add New - Select **Upload Plugin** - Click on “Choose File†- Select downloaded ***gs-logo-slider.zip*** & click on **Install Now** button - Activate the plugin - Logos post type will show below POSTS = Install Plugin using FTP = - Upload gs-logo-slider folder inside the /wp-content/plugins/ directory - Go to WordPress dashboard > Plugins & Activate the plugin - Logos post type will show below POSTS * Put [gslogo id=#] shortcode, where you need to show. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I add new Logo? = Logo post type will show below POSTS. To add a new logo, go to GS Logos > Add New, then add Logo company name at Title, Add logo Image & URL with http:// then Finally Publish. = What will be the logo image dimension? = Default image size set to 200px X 200px. = How to use shortcodes inside page templates? = WordPress has a great function, do_shortcode(), that will allow you to use shortcodes inside your theme files. For example, to output Logos in a Theme file, you would do this: ` ` = How many logos can I add? = You can add unlimited logos in pro version. At lite version maximum 20 logos are allowed to display. You can add as many as needed and categorize them. Unlimited number of logos will not slow down your page speed. = How can I add a new logo to the plugin? = If you know how to add a post or a page in WordPress, you can add a Logo in the plugin. We have split this into 4 simple steps as you can see below : - Company Name (1) : This is self explanatory. Just add the name of the company of Logo. - Logo (2) : Add a logo of representing company - Company URL (3) : Add Company's website address with http:// Keep it blank if no website available. - Logo Categories (4) : You can categorize your logos by creating your own category. - You can check [Add New Logo section »](https://docs.gsplugins.com/gs-logo-slider/manage-the-logos/add-new-logo) for visual explanation. = Is there any shortcode of the plugin? = Yes, there are shortcodes available for the plugin. The default shortcode is : ` [gslogo id=#] ` You can add the shortcode to display logos anywhere at your site. * Check more [Shortcode Attributes & Usage »](https://docs.gsplugins.com/gs-logo-slider/shortcode-usage) Here. = How can I use the shortcode of the WordPress plugin? = First, install the plugin on your WordPress website. Then add the shortcode [gslogo id=#] where you wish to showcase the slider. = Can I use an external link in the logo of my client's website on the plugin? = Yes, you can. Add Company's website address with http:// at **Company URL** field. Logo will automatically link with the company website. You can set an external link to open a new tab / same window. = What are the versions of WordPress where I can use this client logo slider plugin? = You can use the plugin in all WordPress versions but recommended minimum WordPress Version: 4.5 or higher. We regularly update and release new versions to make it compatible with the latest WordPress. ***GS Logo Sliders*** Gutenberg Block is available. = What are the formats I can use in the WP plugin? = You can use JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, and other image formats. = Can I get a custom-developed plugin for my website? = Yes, In case of any personal or business need, you can [Contact Us](https://www.gsplugins.com/contact) for custom development support. We are here to help you as soon as possible. = Why is the plugin better than the others WordPress plugins? = Surely it is. If you check existing users' reviews, you may get an idea about the features & flexibilities then you will get a real comparison among the top plugins. = What is the dimension I will use for the plugin? = Recommended dimension 200px X 200px. == Screenshots == 1. Default Color. 2. Default to Gray color in Reverse Direction. 3. Ticker Mode like News Scroll in both Directions. 4. Vertical Ticker Up. 5. 2 Rows Slider & Default Color. 6. Display Vertically. 7. Filter - 1 & Default Color. 8. Live Filter. 9. GIF supported in Slider. 10. Custom Order for the plugin. After Drag & Drop, go to Logo Shortcode > Crete/Edit Shortcode > Go to Query (3rd tab) > Set Order: ASC (From Dropdown). ASC/DESC may be set to your liking. > Set Order By: Custom Order (From Dropdown) 11. Add a new Logo. 12. All Logos. 13. Created a Shortcodes list. 14. Create New Shortcode with Preview. 15. Preferences / Custom CSS & Skip Lazy Loading for logos. 16. Install Demo Data. 17. General Settings. 18. GS Logo Style Settings(2nd Tab). 19. GS Logo Query Settings (3rd Tab). 20. Logo Gutenberg Block. 21. Logo Widget for Elementor. 22. WPBakery - Element. 23. Divi Builder - Module. == Changelog == = version 3.4.2 [16th Jan 2023] = * [Fixed]: Escaping Issue. = version 3.4.1 [11th Jan 2023] = * [Fixed]: Responsive Issues. = version 3.4.0 [5th Jan 2023] = * [Fixed]: WP Recommended Sanitize Issues. * [Updated]: Logo POT File. = version 3.3.9 [2nd Jan 2023] = * [Added]: Child Theme Template Overwrite Support. * [Fixed]: Security Issues - Phase2. * [Fixed]: DB Prepare Issues. * [Updated]: All Dummy Shortcodes Data. = version 3.3.8 [29th Dec 2022] = * [Fixed]: Security Issues. * [Updated]: Help & Free, Pro common pages. = version 3.3.7 [25th Sep 2022] = * [Added]: TagDiv Builder (Newspaper Theme) Support. = version 3.3.6 [16th Jul 2022] = * [Fixed]: PHP 8.0 support & Divi Integration Issue. * [Fixed]: Assets Generation Hooks. * [Fixed]: PHP 5.6 Unexpected Parse Error. * [Updated]: Function Name. = version 3.3.5 [16th Jun 2022] = * [Added]: Feature to display Category under the Logo Title. * [Fixed]: Custom CSS not loading issue. * [Added]: WP 6.0 version Compatibility. = version 3.3.4 [27th Apr 2022] = * [Added]: Logo Title Tag Filter Hook. * [Improved]: Compatibility with the Pro version for Ticker Theme. = version 3.3.3 [11th Apr 2022] = * [Updated]: Slider Excessive Items Issue. = version 3.3.2 [9th Apr 2022] = * [Fixed]: Slider Excessive Items Issue. = version 3.3.1 [3rd Apr 2022] = * [Fixed]: Scroll conflict with Elementor. = version 3.3.0 [12th Feb 2022] = * [Fixed]: Custom CSS loading issue on the Editor. * [Added]: Support for dynamic Pages, Sidebars, Footers and Widgets. * [Improved]: Compatibility for the Pro version. = version 3.2.1 [9th Feb 2022] = * [Fixed]: For Builders. = version 3.1.3 [7th Feb 2022] = * [Added]: Recursive function for finding inner columns for GS Logo Widget in Elementor document. * [Fixed]: Find inner columns GS Logo Widget in Elementor document. = version 3.1.2 [6th Feb 2022] = * [Removed]: Default option from Elementor. = version 3.1.1 [6th Feb 2022] = * [Added]: Option (on/off) to disable Lazy Load. * [Added]: Class field option to exclude Lazy Loading. * [Added]: Latest WP version Compatibility. * [Removed]: Admin notices from Logo pages. = version 3.0.9 [30th May 2021] = * [Added]: Support for "Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg" plugin. = version 3.0.8 [23rd May 2021] = * [Fixed]: PHP 7.3 Compatibility. * [Fixed]: Deprecated Function Warning. = version 3.0.7 [20th May 2021] = * [Added]: Direction ***Left to Right*** for Slider & Ticker Theme (Pro feature). * [Fixed]: CLS issue for unsupported CSS Property: border-radius * [Fixed]: Lazy-load issues with images at Grid layout. * [Fixed]: Output buffer issue. * [Added]: Identification class to Logo images. * [Updated]: Increased ***Sliding Speed*** and Autoplay pause value to max 10,000 = version 3.0.6 [24th Apr 2021] = * [Fixed]: Conflicted function name with other plugins. * [Fixed]: Cumulative Layout Shift Error. * [Fixed]: Wrong unique key issue. * [Fixed]: SVG's size issue. = version 3.0.5 [19th Apr 2021] = * [Added]: Slider nav positions. * [Added]: Multiliangual support. * [Added]: SVG logo support. * [Fixed]: AppSero conflict with other plugins. * [Fixed]: Discount admin notice if pro is active. * [Removed]: Go Pro link when premium plugin is active. = version 3.0.4 [18th Feb 2021] = * [Fixed]: Compatibility issue with jQuery 3+ = version 3.0.3 [10th Feb 2021] = * [Fixed]: Multiple Carousels navigation issue. * [Fixed]: Swift Builder carousel conflict. * [Fixed]: For unprotected width. * [Updated]: Scripts. = version 3.0.2 [6th Feb 2021] = * [Fixed]: Potential shortcode error. * [Fixed]: RTL Issue. = version 3.0.1 [31st Jan 2021] = * [Fixed]: Swiper JS conflict with other themes. * [Updated]: Integration with Gutenberg, Elementor, WPBakery, Divi Builders. = version 3.0.0 [28th Jan 2021] = * [Updated]: Rewritten the plugin. * [Added]: Import / delete Logo dummy data. * [Added]: Edit, Clone / Duplicate, Delete Shortcode. * [Added]: Overwrite Templates. * [Added]: Performance Improvements. * [Added]: Page Builder Support for Gutenberg, Elementor, WPBakery, Divi Builders. * [Added]: Translations done for static strings. * [Added]: Old Shortcode support. * [Updated]: Cleanup & Optimize assets. * [Updated]: Organize files in the folder. * [Fixed]: jQuery sort error in console. * [Fixed]: Admin old CSS & JS files loading in every page. * [Fixed]: Custom style issue with Divi Builder. * [Improved]: Compatibility with more themes. = version 1.8.16 [7th Jan 2021] = * [Improved]: Few files urls. * [Removed]: Admin Notice Ticker function. * [Removed]: Removed unnecessary files from Appsero library. = version 1.8.15 [17th Dec 2020] = * [Updated]: AppSero Client. * [Removed]: Affiliate Admin Notice. * [Updated]: WordPress 5.6 = version 1.8.14 [27th Sep 2020] = * [Fixed]: Affiliate Admin Notice. = version 1.8.13 [13th Sep 2020] = * [Added]: New Admin Notice. = version 1.8.12 [13th Aug 2020] = * [Updated]: WordPress 5.5 = version 1.8.11 [24th Jun 2020] = * [Updated]: AppSero Client. = version 1.8.10 [28th Apr 2020] = * [Removed]: Admin Notice. = version 1.8.9 [21st Apr 2020] = * [Updated]: Admin Notice. = version 1.8.8 [20th Apr 2020] = * [Added]: Admin Notice. = version 1.8.7 [7th Apr 2020] = * [Added]: Compatibility with Latest WP version. * [Added]: CSS for BX loader. = version 1.8.6 [27th Feb 2020] = * [Added]: Options for Breakpoints. * [Fixed]: Responsive Breakpoints. = version 1.8.5 [23rd Nov 19] = * [Fixed]: Domain name with www & fixed all urls. = version 1.8.4 [19th Nov 19] = * [Added]: Logo Category Support. * [Added]: Logo Category Support at Block. = version 1.8.3 [20th Oct 19] = * [Fixed]: Domain name changed & fixed all urls. * [Fixed]: Admin CSS. * [Added]: New Contributors. = version 1.8.2 = * [Fixed]: JS conflict with Divi theme. Divider > Style dropdown not working. Now fixed * [Fixed]: JS conflict with Divi theme. Section > Background Color picker not working. Now fixed * [Fixed]: Responsiveness for 3 themes - Grid 1, List 1, Table 1 = version 1.8.1 = * [Fixed]: Gutenberg Block for the old Gutenberg version compatibility * [Fixed]: Initial value for Gutenberg Block = version 1.8 = * [Added]: Gutenberg Editor Support * [Added]: Gutenberg Block * [Added]: Released new 3 themes - Grid 1, List 1, Table 1 * [Fixed]: Reposition GS Logo's sub menu pages * [Fixed]: Admin CSS = version 1.7.2 = * Activation redirects added * Coupon Code added = version 1.7.1 = * Help & Usage info added * Code Improved = version 1.7 = * Fixed Text Domain * Added Review system = version 1.6 = * Shortcode attribute - order is now dynamic, previously it was fixed to DESC * Shortcode attribute - orderby is now dynamic to ID / title / modified / rand, previously it was fixed to date. = version 1.5 = * Disabled Logo Archive Page * Excluded Logos from search results = version 1.0.4 = * Fixed query issue for WP 4.4 = version 1.0.3 = * Domain name changed & fixed all urls * Donate link added * Css fixed = version 1.0.2 = * Documentation Added * Added Demo & Doc links * Logo size changed to 200px X 200px * By default title is not visible now * Added different screenshots * Added PRO features info * Docs link added at sidebar = version 1.0.1 = * Added Descending logo order * Increased 20 number of logos to display = version 1.0 = * Initial release == Upgrade notice == = version 3.4.2 [16th Jan 2023] = * [Fixed]: Escaping Issue. = version 3.4.1 [11th Jan 2023] = * [Fixed]: Responsive Issues. = version 3.4.0 [5th Jan 2023] = * [Fixed]: WP Recommended Sanitize Issues. * [Updated]: Logo POT File. = version 3.3.9 [2nd Jan 2023] = * [Added]: Child Theme Template Overwrite Support. * [Fixed]: Security Issues - Phase2. * [Fixed]: DB Prepare Issues. * [Updated]: All Dummy Shortcodes Data. = version 3.3.8 [29th Dec 2022] = * [Fixed]: Security Issues. * [Updated]: Help & Free, Pro common pages. = version 3.3.7 [25th Sep 2022] = * [Added]: TagDiv Builder (Newspaper Theme) Support. = version 3.3.6 [16th Jul 2022] = * [Fixed]: PHP 8.0 support & Divi Integration Issue. * [Fixed]: Assets Generation Hooks. * [Fixed]: PHP 5.6 Unexpected Parse Error. * [Updated]: Function Name. = version 3.3.5 [16th Jun 2022] = * [Added]: Feature to display Category under the Logo Title. * [Fixed]: Custom CSS not loading issue. * [Added]: WP 6.0 version Compatibility. = version 3.3.4 [27th Apr 2022] = * [Added]: Logo Title Tag Filter Hook. * [Improved]: Compatibility with the Pro version for Ticker Theme. = version 3.3.3 [11th Apr 2022] = * [Updated]: Slider Excessive Items Issue. = version 3.3.2 [9th Apr 2022] = * [Fixed]: Slider Excessive Items Issue. = version 3.3.1 [3rd Apr 2022] = * [Fixed]: Scroll conflict with Elementor. = version 3.3.0 [12th Feb 2022] = * [Fixed]: Custom CSS loading issue on the Editor. * [Added]: Support for dynamic Pages, Sidebars, Footers and Widgets. * [Improved]: Compatibility for the Pro version. = version 3.2.1 [9th Feb 2022] = * [Fixed]: For Builders. = version 3.1.3 [7th Feb 2022] = * [Added]: Recursive function for finding inner columns for GS Logo Widget in Elementor document. * [Fixed]: Find inner columns GS Logo Widget in Elementor document. = version 3.1.2 [6th Feb 2022] = * [Removed]: Default option from Elementor. = version 3.1.1 [6th Feb 2022] = * [Added]: Option (on/off) to disable Lazy Load. * [Added]: Class field option to exclude Lazy Loading. * [Added]: Latest WP version Compatibility. * [Removed]: Admin notices from Logo pages. = version 3.0.9 [30th May 2021] = * [Added]: Support for "Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg" plugin. = version 3.0.8 [23rd May 2021] = * [Fixed]: PHP 7.3 Compatibility. * [Fixed]: Deprecated Function Warning. = version 3.0.7 [20th May 2021] = * [Added]: Direction ***Left to Right*** for Slider & Ticker Theme (Pro feature). * [Fixed]: CLS issue for unsupported CSS Property: border-radius * [Fixed]: Lazy-load issues with images at Grid layout. * [Fixed]: Output buffer issue. * [Added]: Identification class to Logo images. * [Updated]: Increased ***Sliding Speed*** and Autoplay pause value to max 10,000 = version 3.0.6 [24th Apr 2021] = * [Fixed]: Conflicted function name with other plugins. * [Fixed]: Cumulative Layout Shift Error. * [Fixed]: Wrong unique key issue. * [Fixed]: SVG's size issue. = version 3.0.5 [19th Apr 2021] = * [Added]: Slider nav positions. * [Added]: Multiliangual support. * [Added]: SVG logo support. * [Fixed]: AppSero conflict with other plugins. * [Fixed]: Discount admin notice if pro is active. * [Removed]: GO Pro link when premium plugin is active. = version 3.0.4 [18th Feb 2021] = * [Fixed]: Compatibility issue with jQuery 3+ = version 3.0.3 [10th Feb 2021] = * [Fixed]: Multiple Carousels navigation issue. * [Fixed]: Swift Builder carousel conflict. * [Fixed]: Viewpoint for unprotected width. * [Updated]: Scripts. = version 3.0.2 [6th Feb 2021] = * [Fixed]: Potential shortcode error. * [Fixed]: RTL Issue. = version 3.0.1 [31st Jan 2021] = * [Fixed]: Swiper JS conflict with other themes. * [Updated]: Integration with Gutenberg, Elementor, WPBakery, Divi Builders. = version 3.0.0 [28th Jan 2021] = * [Updated]: Rewritten the plugin. * [Added]: Import / delete Logo dummy data. * [Added]: Edit, Clone / Duplicate, Delete Shortcode. * [Added]: Overwrite Templates. * [Added]: Performance Improvements. * [Added]: Page Builder Support for Gutenberg, Elementor, WPBakery, Divi Builders. * [Added]: Translations done for static strings. * [Added]: Old Shortcode support. * [Updated]: Cleanup & Optimize assets. * [Updated]: Organize files in the folder. * [Fixed]: jQuery sort error in console. * [Fixed]: Admin old CSS & JS files loading in every page. * [Fixed]: Custom style issue with Divi Builder. * [Improved]: Compatibility with more themes. = version 1.8.16 [7th Jan 2021] = * [Improved]: Few files urls. * [Removed]: Admin Notice Ticker function. * [Removed]: Removed unnecessary files from Appsero library. = version 1.8.15 [17th Dec 2020] = * [Updated]: AppSero Client. * [Removed]: Affiliate Admin Notice. * [Updated]: WordPress 5.6 = version 1.8.14 [27th Sep 2020] = * [Fixed]: Affiliate Admin Notice. = version 1.8.13 [13th Sep 2020] = * [Added]: New Admin Notice. = version 1.8.12 [13th Aug 2020] = * [Updated]: WordPress 5.5 = version 1.8.11 [24th Jun 2020] = * [Updated]: AppSero Client. = version 1.8.10 [28th Apr 2020] = * [Removed]: Admin Notice. = version 1.8.9 [21st Apr 2020] = * [Updated]: Admin Notice. = version 1.8.8 [20th Apr 2020] = * [Added]: Admin Notice. = version 1.8.7 [7th Apr 2020] = * [Added]: Compatibility with Latest WP version. * [Added]: CSS for BX loader. = version 1.8.6 [27th Feb 2020] = * [Added]: Options for Breakpoints. * [Fixed]: Responsive Breakpoints. = version 1.8.5 [23rd Nov 19] = * [Fixed]: Domain name with www & fixed all urls. = version 1.8.4 [19th Nov 19] = * [Added]: Logo Category Support. * [Added]: Logo Category Support at Block. = version 1.8.3 [20th Oct 19] = * [Fixed]: Domain name changed & fixed all urls. * [Fixed]: Admin CSS. * [Added]: New Contributors. = version 1.8.2 = * [Fixed]: JS conflict with Divi theme. Divider > Style dropdown not working. Now fixed * [Fixed]: JS conflict with Divi theme. Section > Background Color picker not working. Now fixed * [Fixed]: Responsiveness for 3 themes - Grid 1, List 1, Table 1 = version 1.8.1 = * [Fixed]: Gutenberg Block for the old Gutenberg version compatibility * [Fixed]: Initial value for Gutenberg Block = version 1.8 = * [Added]: Gutenberg Editor Support * [Added]: Gutenberg Block * [Added]: Released new 3 themes - Grid 1, List 1, Table 1 * [Fixed]: Reposition GS Logo's sub menu pages * [Fixed]: Admin CSS = version 1.7.2 = * Activation redirects added * Coupon Code added = version 1.7.1 = * Help & Usage info added * Code Improved = version 1.7 = * Fixed Text Domain * Added Review system = version 1.6 = * Shortcode attribute - order is now dynamic, previously it was fixed to DESC * Shortcode attribute - orderby is now dynamic to ID / title / modified / rand, previously it was fixed to date. = version 1.5 = * Disabled Logo Archive Page * Excluded Logos from search results = version 1.0.4 = * Fixed query issue for WP 4.4 = version 1.0.2 = * Documentation Added * Added Demo & Doc links * Logo size changed to 200px X 200px * By default title is not visible now * Added different screenshots * Added PRO features info * Docs link added at sidebar = version 1.0.1 = * Added Descending logo order * Increased 20 number of logos to display = version 1.0 = * Initial release